Fixed Base Rate for the First 10 km, Incremental Rate Beyond
Imagine having the flexibility to maintain a constant price for a specified initial distance while seamlessly transitioning to an incremental rate per kilometer (or mile) for longer rides.
Distance in Km – Total Order Price
0-10 km – $100
11 km – $105
12 km – $110
13 km – $115
and so on…
If you have already created any price rules, deactivate them (move to the trash) because they may overwrite the final effect.
We need 2 rules to achieve the intended result.
I will apply the rules to the BMW vehicle, as shown in the screenshots below.
Adding ‘Rule #1’
Step 1. Go to the ‘Pricing Rules’ menu and add a new pricing rule (Add New), I call it ‘Rule #1’.
Step 2. Go to the ‘Conditions’ -> ‘Vehicles’ tab and select the vehicle from the list (in my case “BMW 5 Series Long”).
Step 3. Go to the ‘Conditions’ -> ‘Distance’ tab and set the parameters as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 4. Go to the ‘Prices’ tab and set the ‘Price Source Type’ option to ‘Calculation based on distance (all ranges)’ as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 5. Go to the ‘Options’ tab and set the ‘Next Rule Processing’ option to ‘Enable’. In addition set ‘Post order’ to for example ’99’ (it can be any value, it’s important that this rule has a higher priority than the next one we will create) as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 6. Save the rule by clicking ‘Publish’. The rule should look like this:
Adding ‘Rule #2’
Step 1. Go to the ‘Pricing Rules’ menu and add a second pricing rule (Add New), I call it ‘Rule #2’.
Step 2. Go to the ‘Conditions’ -> ‘Vehicles’ tab and select the same vehicle from the list (in my case “BMW 5 Series Long”).
Step 3. Go to the ‘Prices’ tab and set the ‘Price Source Type’ option to ‘Set directly in the “Prices” tab’. Scroll down to ‘Prices’ table. Find ‘Initial’ row and set value ‘100’. In addition set all prices related to the distance as ‘- Inherited -‘ as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 4. Go to the ‘Options’ tab and set the ‘Next Rule Processing’ option to ‘Disable’. In addition set post order to ’98’ (this value should be lower than when creating the first rule. It is important that this rule executes second) as shown in the screenshot below:
Step 5. Save the rule by clicking ‘Publish’. Both rules should look like this:
Consider Two Additional Settings
Hide Fees
By default, the rate for the first 10 km (our rule 0-10 km – $100) is treated as an initial fee. So this amount is visible only after selecting the vehicle as one of the price components in the left sidebar. However, you can include it in the price of the vehicle and display it directly next to the vehicle in the vehicle list. To do this, go to the booking form settings by going to the ‘Booking Forms’ menu, on the ‘General’ -> ‘Prices’ tab, find the ‘Hide Fees’ option and set it to ‘Hide in booking summary and include in vehicle price’.
It is worth using the price rounding option. Google takes distances between locations seriously, hence the discrepancies due to decimals. In additions when using the ‘Calculation based on distance (all ranges)’ function, due to the way it works (calculating the average price over many distance ranges), you can obtain prices that will include decimal parts resulting from the calculations. Go to the booking form settings by going to the ‘Booking Forms’ menu, on the ‘General’ -> ‘Prices’ tab, find the option ‘Vehicle Price Rounding’ and set ‘0.5’ to round prices to 50 cents.
Both settings shown in the screenshot below:
Final Result
Here’s the pricing effect for renting BMW 5 Series Long vehicle for different distances:
We hope you found this tutorial helpful. Thank you for reading, and happy pricing!
Document version: 1.2
Last updated: May 16, 2024
Plugin version: 7.3+