No, our plugin includes its own complete payment system and functions independently. WooCommerce integration is only necessary if you wish to use WooCommerce-specific payment gateways that aren’t included in our plugin.
No, our plugin includes its own complete payment system and functions independently. WooCommerce integration is only necessary if you wish to use WooCommerce-specific payment gateways that aren’t included in our plugin.
Yes, you can set booking time restrictions. For example, you can configure the plugin to only allow bookings that are made at least 24 hours in advance, and no more than 7 days in the future from the current time.
Yes, you can add custom fields to the booking form, including a flight number field. These fields can be configured to appear conditionally based on factors like geolocation or transfer type.
Yes, you can create multiple booking forms, each with its own unique settings, appearance, pricing tiers, rules, rates, and currencies.
Yes, you can set up complex pricing structures like this using the plugin’s pricing rules feature.
Yes, you can set any field in the booking form as required or optional through the admin panel.
The plugin supports full translation through WordPress standard .po/.mo files. This makes it easy to translate both public and admin areas into any language using free tools. You can also customize any text or label. Detailed instructions are available in the plugin documentation.
Yes, you can customize the booking process by deactivating certain steps. For instance, if you use a default vehicle for all services, you can remove the vehicle selection step.
Yes, you can precisely define your operating area by limiting it to specific countries. You can also restrict services to a particular address and radius to ensure you only receive bookings within your service area.
Yes, the plugin allows you to create unlimited geofenced areas. This enables you to apply custom pricing when a customer’s entered address falls within specific defined areas.
You can configure the system to redirect customers outside your service area to any custom URL of your choice – such as a contact form, custom pricing page, or any other webpage on or off your website.
Yes, you can customize the form to redirect customers who select services outside your standard offerings to any URL where you provide personalized service and pricing options.
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