Custom Notifications Add-on for Chauffeur Taxi Booking System

Custom Notifications Add-on for Chauffeur Taxi Booking System

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We’re pleased to announce the release of the Custom Notifications Add-on for Chauffeur Taxi Booking System for WordPress, now available on Envato Market. The Custom Notifications Add-on allows you to create additional notification configurations for the Chauffeur Taxi Booking System. Each configuration can be set up with specific conditions and customized email content.

How It Works

The add-on operates through notification configurations:

  1. Select the notification type (e.g., customer or driver notifications).
  2. Set conditions for when the configuration should apply:
    • Service type (e.g., hourly service).
    • Transfer type (e.g., return transfers).
    • Booking status.
  3. Customize the email template:
    • Show or hide specific sections.
    • Add custom text sections.
    • Modify email subject.

Add-on Features

  • Create multiple notification configurations.
  • Set specific conditions for each configuration.
  • Choose between the notification type.
  • Hide or display sections (e.g., vehicle details, route, billing information).
  • Add custom text sections to the template.
  • Customize email subjects.
  • Control price visibility in notifications.
  • Shortcode support.

Technical Requirements

To use the Custom Notifications Add-on, you need:

  • Chauffeur Taxi Booking System for WordPress version 8.3 or higher.
  • Active WordPress installation.


The Custom Notifications Add-on helps businesses:

  • Create specific notification configurations for different services.
  • Adjust email content based on booking conditions.
  • Customize information displayed to customers and drivers
  • Add service-specific messages to notifications.

Take Control of Your Booking Communications

Build notification configurations that match your business processes and deliver the right information to customers and drivers. Create custom templates for different booking scenarios.

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